11 AM | Arrive in Seattle. Find Paolo. Find Cathy. Head to Toulouse Petit Kitchen & Lounge for lunch. We let Paolo order because that’s one of his talents.
1 PM | Head to B&O Espresso for dessert and coffee.
3 PM | Back to the airport to meet up with Stacy, Kayce, Tracey and Mark. Head downtown to Pike Place Market and the Pier.
I will never, ever tire of large bouquets of all one sort of flower.
7:30 PM | Dinner at the Space Needle.
Insane views. Wonderful company. Delicious food. Very special friends.
A city full of so many memories for me throughout of my life.
9 AM | A short walk before work. Brainstorming, collaborating, sharing, imagining, dreaming.
So thankful for short creative field trips. So thankful for the change of scenery and the opportunity to connect with friends and colleagues in person. So thankful for plane rides, even short ones that offer a quick nap or a great time for creative reading (sometimes it’s books about creativity and sometimes it’s a guilty pleasure like US Weekly) or time to brainstorm ideas that have been floating around for weeks or years. So thankful to work with people who are also very dear friends. So thankful for conversations and collaborations and the sharing of a message that words and photos mean something.